Asterix dolphins to remain at Kolmarden

In February this year when Parc Asterix, France closed their dolphin show, two of the dolphins were transferred to Kolmarden Wildlife Park in Sweden. At the time, it was thought that one of the dolphins would be moved from Kolmarden to Germany at a later date, however, it is now confirmed that both dolphins will remain at the Swedish facility.

Kolmarden says this decision has been made as the dolphins have bonded well with the others, and they now wish to keep the ‘pod’ intact. However, by cancelling the transfer of one of the males from France, could it be that the park is hoping this may result in a successful pregnancy, or is it simply to avoid any potential bad publicity for moving an older dolphin. In the meantime, DFE will continue to support member organisation Djurrättsalliansen in its attempt to address this ongoing situation.

Image: courtesy of Djurrättsalliansen

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