There is a paradigm shift around the world of phasing out the keeping of cetaceans in captivity. Here is a brief overview of some milestones, from a global perspective, including Europe.
Do you want to help move towards a Europe without captive cetaceans? Take action and make your Promise for Freedom!
France bans the keeping and breeding of cetaceans in marine parks, with a loophole meaning that parks are able to keep cetaceans provided they are being used as part of a scientific programme. This has however led to Marineland, Antibes closing in January 2025 and the animals being relocated.
Switzerland bans the importing of cetaceans into their country, effectively ending the keeping of cetaceans there, when Connyland transferred their last dolphins to another facility, outside of Switzerland.
Baltimore National Aquarium (USA) pledged to retire their 7 dolphins to a sanctuary by 2020.

SeaWorld (USA) pledged to end orca breeding at all their current and future parks (although, note they have violated this pledge).
In 2016, the last dolphinarium in Finland closed due to reduced public attendance.
In 2016, the City Council of Barcelona (Spain) voted against the construction of a new dolphinarium at Barcelona Zoo, in favour of moving the dolphins it has into a sanctuary.

The Italian Government shuts down Rimmi Dolfinarium due to poor conditions for the animals and no licence.
A Decree was proposed, banning the reproduction of all captive cetaceans in France. However, the captivity industry fought this and overturned it.
Legislation implemented in California (USA); bans the breeding or orca in the state. No import or export of orca. Those in captivity at the time may remain.
Flemish government announce that Flanders will permanently ban the keeping in dolphins in captivity by 2037 and that the last remaining facility in Belgium holding captive dolphins, Boudewijn Seapark, must close by this date.
Attica Zoo in Greece to close permanently after continuing to keep dolphins on public display since a ban was put in place on animal performances in the country in 2021. Application made to rehouse the dolphins in the USA, which is being contested.