DFE calls for phase-out to end cetacean captivity in Europe

Dolphinaria-Free Europe (DFE) recently approached all MEPs in the European Parliament urging them to include a phase-out of the keeping of dolphins and whales in captivity for public entertainment in the run-up to the European Elections.

With the European Elections due to take place in May this year, we are urging MEPs to include this in their party manifesto and further support our campaign by posting a #DolphinariaFreeEurope selfie on their social media platforms.

Do you want to achieve a Europe without captive dolphins and whales?

Become part of our Dolphinaria-Free Europe campaign today!

  • Stand up for dolphins and whales by taking a selfie with our #DolphinariaFreeEurope board and share on social media (#DolphinariaFreeEurope  #cetaceancaptivity  #Blackfish  #dolphins  #whales)
  • Encourage others to take a selfie and pledge their support.
  • Contact your own MEP (details here) asking them to support our campaign to end dolphin and whale captivity in Europe
  • Spread the word – avoid visiting zoos and aquaria holding dolphins and whales in captivity

French translation of the above article is available here

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