DFE European Parliament Event available now

On 28 June 2023, Dolphinaria-Free Europe met with Members of the European Parliament at an event hosted by MEPs Francisco Guerreiro and Pascal Durand, to discuss why captivity is not a suitable environment for whales, dolphins, and porpoises and why the coalition wants legislation prohibiting the exploitation and display cetaceans across the European Union, including ending their breeding and importation.

A background on DFE was given by the Chair of the coalition, Margaux Dodds (Marine Connection),  followed by presentations from Dr Naomi Rose (Animal Welfare Institute), Nick Stewart (World Animal Protection), Dr Ingrid Visser (Orca Research Trust), Matthew Spiegl (Free Morgan Foundation), Muriel Arnal (One Voice), Olga Kikou (Compassion In World Farming) and Sofia Esteves da Silva (PhD Student). The meeting concluded with a public Q&A session.

The two-hour live-streamed session is available below.

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