New Policy Brief outlines proposals to phasing out dolphinaria in the EU

Never has there been more need for ending the breeding and trade of captive dolphins and whales.  At a recent event in the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium hosted by MEP Francisco Guerreiro to discuss why captivity is not a suitable environment for cetaceans, Dolphinaria-Free Europe launched its policy brief “Safe and Thriving Whales and Dolphins in the European Union – a How-To Guide”, which outlines the coalition’s legislative proposals to the European Union for ensuring the wellbeing of all captive whales and dolphins in the EU.

The coalition also addresses conditions in which cetaceans are currently held throughout Europe.  DFE believes it’s vital that the EU embark upon a plan to phase out dolphinaria, and that the current population of captive cetaceans should be the last generation in the EU.

You can access our Policy Brief here

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