Veera the dolphin dies at Italian facility

image courtesy: L K Mikko Stig

Veera, the female dolphin originally from the closed Särkänniemi dolphinarium in Finland has died at Oltramare, Italy.  Upon closure of the Finnish facility, Veera along with Delfi, Leevi and Eevertti were moved to Attica Park, Greece where sadly in 2017 Delfi died. In August 2020 Veera was moved from Greece to Oltramare where she died just a few days ago on 1 June 2021, reportedly of cardiocirculatory arrest, the same condition that caused the death of Delfi.

In August 2018 associate of DFE, Viivi Ahola recorded Veera’s story in a thought-provoking piece entitled ‘Can we now finally wake up and see that we are not alone?‘.  Veera was born in the wild, taken into captivity for public display. She sadly never had the opportunity to experience some sort of wild reality again in her lifetime, it is our belief that no dolphin should face the same fate as Veera, to die in a tank far away from the ocean into which they were originally born.